Making Your New Home Safe
Changing locks tend to be forgotten in the whirlwind of moving house, but the question to ask yourself in this scenario is ‘who else could have duplicate keys?‘
Free Security Survey On Appointment
Moving house is a highly stressful experience so it is no surprise that securing your new home by changing the locks can be overlooked. However, unless you knew and trusted the previous tenants or owners it is unlikely that you will know exactly how many sets of keys were cut and are in circulation for your new property.
Risking not changing your locks could leave you in a vulnerable position should you be burgled, home insurance companies may also require as part of your moving that you be provided with new keys/locks as per due diligence.
According to Home Office statistics, you are almost twice as likely to be burgled in the 12 months after moving into your new home compared with the average burglary rate (4.6% compared with 2.5%). You are nearly three times as likely to be burgled compared with those who have occupied their property for 10 years or more (4.6% compared to 1.6%).
Alarmingly those households with no home security measures were almost ten times (22.5%) more likely to be victims of burglary compared to households that carry out simple security upgrades (2.5%) such as fitting deadlocks on doors and fitting window locks or even just a good quality dummy bell box to deter would-be thieves.
Who Else Has Spare Keys?
Around 40,000 homes will change hands this year with many buyers totally unaware that at least one spare set of keys is still in circulation with a third party.
According to a survey conducted by NOP on behalf of insurer NIG, over half (58%) of British residents give away spare sets of keys to their home, so changing locks at the point of moving would seem like a logical cost as part of moving.
By not changing the locks on at least the perimeter doors and ensuring that all points of access around the house are secure, you could be putting yourself and your family in inherent danger.
Furthermore, if you were to be broken into and possessions damaged or stolen your insurance claim may be void, as some insurance companies will state that if you have not changed the locks on moving house then you have not done enough to secure your property and prevent a burglary.

Other Reasons to Change the Locks
Other reasons to change the locks may include:
• Could you exit through all necessary doors and windows in an emergency?
• Does your property have adequate physical security?
• Do you have keys to all your doors and windows, for general access and opening?
• Are some of the locks broken or are any of the locks damaged – do they still work and are they secure?
• Do your locks meet British Standard 3621:2004, now a stipulation of most insurance policies?
CB Local Locksmiths Can Help
We can change locks on doors and windows, including garage doors, external doors and gates, etc. Our Locksmiths can also check that existing window locks and door locks have been correctly installed, are secure and conform to British Standards.
Moreover, we can provide you with a detailed report on what you do have so when you submit what locks and security measures are installed on your home to your insurer, you have all the required information from an approved and vetted Locksmith.
Booking an appointment in advance is simple, select a date and time convenient to you and contact us. We will then book you in and talk you through our set process, turn up on time and carry out what is required in a fast efficient and professional manner.
Our ethos is simple across all our services, and that is to deliver an outstanding level of service via honesty and trust. Another reason why many local Estate and Lettings Agents trust us to carry out their work too.